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Old IRC Guidelines for users of #vmkforums and related channels

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Old 11-03-2005, 11:07 PM
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IRC Guidelines for users of #vmkforums and related channels

IRC Guidelines for users of #vmkforums and related channels
IRC 101

Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
This should cover what you need to use IRC for the toontowncentral IRC channel.

1. The LOGIN
- Nicklist
- Chat Window
- Command Line
- Events
- Actions are shown in purple colored text.
- Patience
- Abbreviations
- Guidelines and Rules

There are many ways to access IRC but for most TTC people it will be thru the Java chat located at the top left of's home page.

Step 1. The LOGIN
Enter a Nick Name - usually a Name that you use for your toon.
It can be up to 30 Characters. Letters, numbers, or separators like | ,_underscores_, and even Tildes (~) are acceptable. No spaces allowed.

e.g. silly_zanny_boing.

Press ENTER, and a small Java window opens and begins to log into IRC for you. The Java window functions as an IRC client - a bit like a chat window for the various Instant Messenger client users.


This is so easy - the Java client will automatically log into the chat room for Toontown Central members: #vmkforums.
Additionally, you will be connected to #toontowntrivia, #toontowncentral, and #coldcallersguild
The # in front of the name means "Channel", which is a more correct name on IRC for a chat room.

In this channel, people can chat in real time about what they like - usually VMK related subjects and as long as it doesn't contain content designated inappropriate in the #vmkforums channel rules.

You will note that there are four buttons that say #ToonTownTrivia, #ColdCallersGuild , #vmkforums, and #ToonTownCentral. These are our four official channels and all have the same rules. Click on the name button of the room you wish to chat in at the time. #vmkforums is our main room.

Our Chatrooms : #Maple_Story #ColdCallersGuild #disneysonlineworlds #piratetrivia #vmktrivia #toontowntrivia #piratesonlineforums #toontowncentral #vmkforums

The Java window has two main sub-windows.
The one on the right shows the Nicknames (Nicks) of the people in the room - look carefully and you will see yours listed.
The Nicks with an @ next to them are Operators ("Ops" for short) and they are in charge of keeping the channel in order (we're proud of our G Rating!).
As people come and go, the list of Nicks changes accordingly.

Chat Window
The left side sub-window contains the details of what is going on in the channel. When you first start you will see a lot of green and maroon writing created as part of the LOGIN process.
Pay attention to the Topic line. For #toontowncentral this is important as it gives an idea of the status of the game. Usually it says something like:

[Open Server ( ONLine] [Test Server ( ONLine]
[Channel Rated: G] [Website]

The Topic is also shown at the top of the Java client.

Command Line
The Command Line at the bottom of the window is where you enter whatever you want to say (or do) in the channel.

e.g. To say "Hello" you just type Hello then press Enter on your keyboard.
The word Hello appears in the Chat Window like this:
<silly_zanny_boing> Hello

As people enter what they want to say you will see the lines of text in the Chat Window, scroll upwards to accommodate the new text. You can use the scroll bar at the side to browse up and find earlier comments.

People entering or leaving the channel, or changing their Nick are shown in green colored text.

*** Pudgey (~pudgey@203-30-124-238) has joined the room ***

Actions are shown in purple colored text.
Actions are when you type something to indicate you have done something
e.g. To pretend to hit someone with a trout type:

/me slaps Pudgey around with a large trout

It will produce this:
*silly_zanny_boing slaps Pudgey around with a large trout

See a name on the right you want to speak to privately? Click twice on their Nick in the right-side and a new little window will open up. This is where just you and that person can chat privately. Cool, hey? Click the Close button when you finish.

Step 5. ETTIQUETTE and #toontowncentral Simple Rules To Follow
Patience Grasshopper.
The channel is usually fairly quiet because people are also doing other things - playing TT or doing other jobs on their computers.
You may not see any chatting straight away, and if you say something it may take a few minutes before someone notices and answers (i.e. finishes their building or whatever). Once you have someone's attention then you should be ok.

Abbreviations rule(rock?) on IRC.
If you have Secret friends in TT you will already have noticed a lot of abbreviations taken from IRC and other chat mediums.

TY = Thank You
BBS = Be Back Soon
NP = No Problem
TTL = Talk to you later
BBL = Be Back Later
AFK = Away From KeyBoard
YW = Your Welcome
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
ROFL = Roll on Floor Laughing (also sometimes ROTFL)

Other abbreviations that can be considered shortened curse phrases are not allowed.

If you don't follow the meaning of the acronyms, then feel free to ask - we all had to learn once ourselves.
IRC is huge and our little channel is a very quiet and friendly corner of IRC.

Some Guidelines and Rules to use when chatting in the #toontowncentral IRC channel:

Note: All rule violations will be met with a possibility of 5 outcomes with severity in the folowing order:
A) Warning - You are asked not to do the action again. Most small infraction will result in a warning.
B) DeVoice - Voice is removed from your user and the channel is moderated. You will not be able to talk, only listen.
C) Kick - You will be removed from the channel.
D) Temporary Ban - You will be removed from the channel and not permitted to reenter for a certain period of time.
E) Permanent Ban - You will not longer be ablet o access the channel.

1) Cursing
The #toontowncentral channel caters to many children and adults, therefore it is a G-Rated channel. G-Rated means:
You should not use any words or phrases that would be inappropriate in a Children's Disney Cartoon from 15 years ago.

NOTE: See for a more exact definition.

Using such Words/Phrases after being warned can result in being kicked and/or banned.

2) Personal Information
We ask that those in the #toontowncentral IRC channel do not disclose any personal information. Personal Information consists of:
Full Name, Age, Gender, Location and other similar details.
This also includes seeking such information via private messaging to any user on the #toontowncentral, #toontowntrivia, #vmkforums, or #coldcallersguild user list.

Asking for such information after being warned can result in you being kicked and/or banned.

3) Respect for Operators
Respect the decisions of the Ops in channel to kick or ban a user. Ops are trusted to make decisions so that all users can be safe and enjoy themselves. Sometimes decisions have to be made quickly so that young persons are not exposed to inappropriate language or ideas.

If you feel that this decision was inappropriate, please feel free to ask the Op responsible in a private message why they made this decision. Attempts to revoice or unban yourself will result in permanent banishment.

4) Flooding
Please do not Flood the channel. Flooding means:
To type a lot of information at once, causing the chat page to fill up and making chatting difficult for other users to read. Flooding is generally considered more than 5 lines in a row. This is also known as spamming

This includes repeating the same thing again and again:
User122: HI!
User122: HI!
User122: HI!
User122: HI!
User122: HI!
User122: HI!

Or typing random characters to flood the room:
User122: fkjfkfu903qur
User122: 843891348jaskljdfl
User122: 3481248fjajl;ad
User122: 84840898
User122: 3842384
User122: jefosdjsdf
User122: l;ffjds
User122: jsklfsdklf
User122: lkklsda'

Constantly changing your nick can also be considered flooding.
Typing successive emoticons is considered flooding.
Please be aware that large Ascii art is also considered flooding - ask an Op before posting Ascii art to the channel.

5) Capitalization
Please do not use excessive capitals. The use of Capital letters to talk in the chat room is considered rude and is interpreted as yelling.
is considered rude by other users of the channel.

Whether you agree with this or not, please consider that other users may find this offensive or annoying.

Please use capitals only as punctuation or to emphasize a point.

6) Color/Colour
Please do not use color/colour. Using Colour/Color:
Some people are using programs other than the Java Chat or mIRC to chat. This means that the colours/colors you are using are not seen the same way on their monitor.

Users may consider some colours/colors to be too bright and uncomfortable for their eyes. Please refrain from using color/colour in the chat room.

7) Sharing Accounts
Do not ask for, request, or share accounts. IRC has authentication for users who are regular attendees. These users can register and have automatic actions taken for them on connection. Please do not share these accounts as the owner of the account will be held responsible for all actions of the account.

8) Impersonation
Do not impersonate others.

9) Advertising
Do not advertise other channels or websites. We do not allow advertising of other channels or websites, because we have no control over what content might be there that could be non G-Rated.

In addition to this, we do not allow the song scripts in #toontowncentral. These are the scripts that use action command to show:
*silly_zanny_boing is listening to [Humpty Dumpty - The Wall]
This also includes manual posting of song related information.

10) Negativity
By acting negative, you effect the whole room. Keep the spirits up so we can all have a good time.

11) Politics and Religion
These are not G-Rated topics and can lead to negativity. So they should not be discussed.

12) English Only
These chat rooms are English only. Please speak English so that everyone will understand and share in the fun.

13) Bugs (Glitches)
Bugs (glitches) are part of all games. Exploitation of these is not condoned by ToontownCentral and therefore discussion of them is prohibited on that channel.

14) Asking for Operator status
This is annoying. Operators are generally IRC users that have shown, over a long period of time, that they can be trusted to obey the rules. Constantly asking to be an operator can get you kicked or banned.

15) Trading
ToontownCentral is not a trading depot and this activity is prohibited on the channel.

16) Bots
Only operator sanctioned bots are allowed on the channel. These bots will be registered by the operators, and in most cases run by the operators. No other bots are allowed and could result in the user being banned.

17) Clones
You are allowed to have "cloned IPs" if you're on some form of Internet connection sharing and can prove that the person on the other handle is NOT yourself. Be aware, however, that you can only have a maximum of FOUR connections on that IP address. Also, failing to prove that you're on Internet sharing will get you kicked and/or banned.

A smiley is simply a : and a ) put together to make :) which looks like a smiley face (on its side).
In the Java Chat these show as little yellow smiley faces just like on the Toon Town Central website. And just like on the web site, there are special smilies you can make. Here are some "codes" for making them:

:-) :) ;) ;-) ^_^ :-D :-P :P =) ;D xD XD :D {{:-) {{;-) o.o o.O O.O O.o

************************************************** *******
Hopefully this has been helpful for you and will make your experience
very enjoyable and fun when chatting with your loveable toon friends on
IRC. We strive to make it a wonderful and safe place for children and

Last edited by Batleth; 06-01-2007 at 01:13 PM..

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