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Old A reveiw of Toontown Online.

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Old 08-25-2007, 11:37 PM
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A reveiw of Toontown Online.

Before I start, I am not a newb to this game. I have a 107 laffer, 63/64 laffer, and a..36 laffer I believe, and I've been playing for just over two years.

Toontown! Rated E for everyone!

Some of you have seen the commercials, saw it on disney, or played some games about it on Disney XD. Its Toontown Online!

You have 3 payment options. Monthly, Yearly, and Semi-Yearly. There is also the CD-Rom, the free trial, the 14 day trail obtainable from pirates of the carribean, and a 30 day card. So lets get on. We have the option of 6 accounts. Each with a different distinctive color, and if there is a toon in it, a trash can. With trial, you can only use the blue-greenish house, therefore only one toon. The other ones have "Members Only" Things on them. So when you start, you get taken to minnie and mickey talking at the same time. Click on Mickey to make a boy, and Minnie to make a girl. You first go to making your toon, and the entire process is done in third person mode, so you will see your toon throughout the process. Then you have colors, then clothing. Shorts for boys, and mainly skirts for girls (although there are some shorts for girls who would not like to wear skirts.). To top it all choosing. You can do pick a name, like I did with toons such as Little Lemonpop and Good Ol' Coconut Megamonkey. Then there is type-a-name. You can type in a name, so if the toon council approves, you will have it. Unlike Pick-A-Name, you will be named by your head color until your results come in.

After that, you get your tutoural, which tells basic things, like why the cogs are there, how to fight, schticker book, and other basic things that will help you in toontown. You might receive your first bug here. Somehow, my cat toon, midna, went to goofy speedway while she couldn't leave the playground, and then cannot get back out of GSW. Toontown central, the area where you start, is essentally nice. All toons your level and some higher leveled people are running around, and you'll always find a friend to ride the trolley with.

So after describing that stuff, you need to go to flippy, head of toontown, and #1 on the list of most copied toons, and yes I'm guilty of that (The creation of bear flip) And get your first real toontask to get Toon-Up or Sound. You do that, then you do tasks for training, and more things like bigger gag bags, laff boosts, and teleportation access

Lets stop right here. Graphicwise, I believe Toontown is 64 bit or a little bit higher, becuase it is pixelated everywhere, but I'm not too harsh on graphics. You may think "Oh! This is little kiddie stuff!" Well think again. Little oldman will make a teenage slam their fists on his/her keyboard, You need to think with strategy, and EVERYTHING EXPLODES!!!

The toons do look toony, some more than others, and they also look like the animal, except they're standing on two feet, and wearing clothes and cute little gloves.

Now to talk about the downfalls of this game

Many people dislike speedchat, but I can't blame them. Its not a "walk and talk" game, but I would prefer a dictionary. Free chatting can be a hassle, as many people, including myself, use cursing sometimes during gameplay (and many of them have been suspended) Plus, the "You Stink" Phrase is the main way to tease other toons. It happens usually when somebody doesn't get what they want (Somebody taking their building, somebody beating them in a race, them not having everything handed to them on a silver platter) Toontown has made a new speedchat phrase, Please don't bother me. In the pets section, which is better than being sarcastic, or stinking right back. The good thing about speedchat, you can buy phrases. Although it seems like everybody has a certian speedchat phrase (such as Owoooo! or Thanks a million!"

Graphics aren't PS3 style, but the game isn't meant to be graphicy. There are also many graphical glitches, so that annoys players. Not too much to say here, but I'm not too hard on graphics.

MEAN TOONS! My 107 laffer is a soundless, and has been ditched out of Mints more than Samus Aran (My mouse toon) being ditched from a DA. Also, I've been stinked at, and ditched on bear flip, who is training for toon-up currently, and will become a dropless. Also there are toons that get a kick out of being mean to newer or lower laffed toons. Such as not tooning up their gags, ditching, not using their gags to help, stinking, and everything else.

Finally..HACKING! Bear flip and GOCM race a lot, so we can see many things. I was in a race once on bear flip, with this duck always yelling out "I'm as fast as lightning" so we did a toon battle with me, him, and two other toons. We raced, and he was using a racing hack. The racing hack basic is basically, from what I've seen, a frame skipper, which skips frames while you race, so you go faster and will win in a shorter rime. There is also editing scores and other things. Back to the duck. He cheated, and we all finished the race. we got a score '01 '00 and it said we never deposited, nor won tickets.

Now for good points!

The concept is great! There's no reason why everything seems out of place. The cogs come from HQs and other things, such as the area where scrooge McDuck was shown in the old intro trailer.

There's also always new things coming out. Currently, on the test server, Chip and Dales Outdoor Zone (Soon to be named Nutty Vale, Merryt Meadows, or Acorn Acers) is being tested with Mini Golf. There's always changed to the game that you can just keep on playing to find out what they are.

You can use TF chat to talk to your friends privately. Everybody will see the toons sounds put into onomonopeia, but TFs will see what you are typing

The game has a high replay value, and when you're done, you can do another toon, and there will be new things coming all the time!

Overall Score

EC Gamers: 8/10. Good, but not too many parents want them to commit to paying for the game, and kids might be annoying a lot
E Gamers: 9/10. Its animated, there's disney hyped up all over it, but those meaner toons might not make it perfect
E10 gamers: 8.5/10. Same as E, but growing older, they might be "ick"
T Gamers: 7/10. Some people play it, but they're growing, and most care a lot about graphics, and then there's those other things, such as embarrasment, and some other things
M Gamers: 4/10. There's no guns, blood, drugs, or any of that M gaming stuff. No good graphics, and the cogs don't drop dead. At least everything explodes.
Ao Gamers: 1/10. >_< At least everything explodes, but why doesn't anything catch on fire, where's the chainsaw guy!?!?!

Part 2 and Updated Scores Coming Soon

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