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Old 05-10-2009, 07:21 AM
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Blossomflower Blossomflower is offline
I iz lazy.
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Blossomflower is Buried in TreasureBlossomflower is Buried in TreasureBlossomflower is Buried in Treasure
er please ignore the double post.

I have absolutely NO IDEA how to start this chapter..


alright. getting this over with
o and um
SOME of the story (mostly later chapters) have been composed with a few ideas of some people all mushed up into my own crazy fantasy..
and… this chapter… abrahamman had something to do with it
wait. wait. the next chapter, im sure he had something to do with it. not this chapter.
this chapter was either my original idea from a year ago.. or someone else's....
eh. idk rotfl


and I know I promised to give everyone credit at the end
but the truth is
I don’t remember which people gave me ideas…
so… yeah. Abraham refreshed my memory though. LOL

(by the way, the Kraken went back down below after he snapped the ship... so now he's off doing his own business, tending to his squiddy wife and kids. yep.)

Chapter 45: Swallowed.

The whirlpool swirled, pulling both halves of the Black Pearl into it.

Jack Sparrow turned to see his ship getting farther and farther… and soon, far out of reach…

“I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to sail these atrocious children… with atrocious outfits… and my attire still looks superior on me than that on that bothersome lad’s… *hard glare at hikoik* -cough-…. and that ghastly odor of theirs…. why, if I hadn’t known better, I could’ve sworn on me life that these senseless children were pirates themselves… anyway, I knew I shouldn’t have agreed to sail these here bilge rats back to their Ribersale… best be better off by meself…” sassily commented Jack to himself.

“Could be better off with me drink now. But NOOO. Had to settle for me temporary lackeys. Temporary, dimwitted lackeys… although that Yokat lass makes everything alright, I presume.”
“Well… I suppose… if I hadn’t had these here lackeys… I would have still run into the Black Pearl… but I’d be single-handedly ‘owning’ these here scurvy dogs… (is that what the youngsters say nowadays?) and, in me defense, they ain’t much of a help at all… ”
“But do ye honestly think ye could have done it Jack? Unaided?”

Sparrow’s thoughts flashed through his mind, watching his precious ship disappear into the darkness.

Comments of alarm, fright, horror, panic -- you name it, -- were being spewed, and everyone started screaming as the halves got closer to the inside of the whirlpool. The halves were spiraling around speedily, much like a violent Merry-Go-Round… as the halves sunk lower than ever before.

“This is it mate… I’ll never forget ye… ye were always there for me…” said Pintel in a soft voice, but loud enough for his buddy Ragetti to hear.
“Agreed mate… thank ye for always finding me eye all these yea--“ started Ragetti, but was cut off… the water got to him.

“JAMMMMM!!!!!” screamed dabaseballking, actually daring to jump to the next half of the ship where coolJamz was, the gap not being too wide. He took a deep breath in, inhaling a few raindrops, and leaped.
Nothing really mattered to him at that moment but her…

He caught on to the edge of what the water hasn’t swallowed up yet…
Jam extended her hand…
The water was getting higher… the ship sinking lower…
The force of the whirlpool was too strong…


“Ya know… this is actually kind of fun.” remarked AthleticAisha, water whipping into her face.
“… you’re right…” replied SassaFrazz, a content expression up for display.
“They should make a ride, based on a ship being pulled into a whirlpool.”
“I’d ride that…”
“Too bad we won’t be around to tell people about this idea huh?”
“Who knows? Maybe it will be invented someday… but the credit doesn’t go to us.”
“….. wow. That stinks.”

Blossomflower, hikoik, slycooper_lo and teddyfruitgirl were only climbing the rope when this violent current began to eat them up…
The water already got past the bottom 2, and began eating hikoik’s bottom half.

“TIME TO SAY THE WORDS?” yelled Blossomflower, bringing up the same subject again.

The water rose above hikoik’s head for a second… and when it went back down… nothing was there but a soaked, dangling rope.

“…. well. That was one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen in my life… the sentence.. left unfinished WHEN IT REALLY MATTERED.. geez.” whispered Blossomflower, the palms of her hand beginning to burn from the rope’s friction…

The water was rising to her stomach, and her hands began to slip, the burn intensifying.

“… I’ll give it a shot… I WANT MY STUPID HAPPY ME--“

- rope snaps -

“WHAT ABOUT MY WARDROBE… WHO WILL WEAR ALL THOSE FABULOUS CLOTHES I SPENT BILLIONS FOR NOW? My sister? No. She’s not worthy enough. Ohhh and I JUST bought those 800 dollar latin pumps… and I NEVER GOT TO WEAR THEM!” screamed CuteTabitha, looking down at one of her chipped nails in despair.

Both halves began to tip completely vertical now, and nobody remained on them but Yokatherine and Jack Sparrow, who was on the last remaining part of the ship half that wasn’t submerged.
They stood together, Yo holding onto Jack for support, smiling brightly at his presence, despite the water beginning to swallow up the last piece…


The whirlpool swirled there, in the middle of the ocean, with nothing to disrupt the view of its flawless ripples and currents, as the rain mercilessly slammed into the ocean.

it’s not over.
in fact, it was going to continue on but this chapter stretched farther than I wanted it to
better wait for the next one

Last edited by DeputyRR; 05-10-2009 at 05:58 PM.. Reason: non-g