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Old 12-15-2009, 03:20 AM
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Pisces Pisces is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: School
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Pisces has turned into a sparkling Pirate!Pisces has turned into a sparkling Pirate!
^^ VMKF is definitely magical. I don't believe it really improved my grammar (Brushes off shoulders, brags about prior grammar skizzles), but it's definitely helped me become more... Outgoing a bit - Get used to having random people see what I have to say, even in real life I began to open up more after I started opening up here >.>
Yeah, I definitely do NOT want to look at my older posts. Yeah, no. I've looked at them once or twice and I'm just like... >.<
Oh and I agree SoccerRyan, my mastery of BBCode was nonexistant before VMKF, and now I know how to do tons of stuff with it! But I'm way too lazy to >.>...
Another excellent point from SoccerRyan, I should have quoted... But... Nahhhhh ;D. I've improved my stance-defending abilities. Woot woot in one of my classes last year we had a debate and I won! I never would've if it hadn't been for such an opinionated VMKF - Especially after 4/07/08 or 5/21/08. I can't really decide which day I found worse, but... yeah...
And I'll also say: Not too long ago, my essay-writing was HORRIBLE! VMKF has helped me understand my own thoughts (trust me, it's hard even for me most of the time) and I've brought down my average time from about 2-3 hours to about 20 minutes! Well, I'll say school helped a LITTLE, but not much, really...
Yes, VMKF is magical.
Huzzah GIMP! I would never have even KNOWN about it without VMKF. Well, one of my friends mentioned it the other day, but I still probably wouldn't have used it...
Oh, and acefredfred, you said everyone here taught you something. Now I'm paranoid that I taught you something NOT to do! O.O Oh dear the fear of others learning from my mistakes!