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Old 05-27-2008, 03:58 AM
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LordIllidan LordIllidan is offline
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Originally Posted by BlazinBeats View Post
Yet he missed the closing, and hasn't been on VMK since December?
Hehheh. Don't get me wrong, I love VMK. I just know real life comes first.

Originally Posted by PinkTinkPixie View Post
In regard to VMK's closing, it really is a matter of opinion. Some may think it's completely pointless to fight over a battle that we've already lost (though we really haven't), and some may dedicate all of their time to keep fighting. Just because this is a game doesn't mean it's unimportant, and not worth fighting for. Think about people who make video games for a living. They make money off of it, right? They make money off of something that frankly, we don't need. It's something we want. And obviously, it's something that is worth paying someone for.

So if video game creators can make money off of something completely pointless, then why does it seem so strange to fight to keep a video game alive? There's really no difference, if you ask me.

I don't know if any of this will make sense to you, I've never been good at writing down the thoughts that I have in my head :/ Ah well, I tried

Well, not only that, but, to many, Video games aren't just a form of entertainment. It's a form of art, similar to music and painting.

Just look at some screenshots of VMK. Even when it's deserted, there's these tiny little details that make it feel like a humongous, living, breathing world. Take, for example, the big New York-esque city you can see far down below from the monorail station, or how the islands on the Pirates game (The one that gives you ship codes) have their own geography, almost like real islands.

They put a lot of time, effort, and artistic vision into making VMK. Shutting it down is equivalent to burning a painting just because it didn't sell for high enough in an auction (regardless of how many people wanted it)

I will walk heavy, and I will walk strange.