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Old 05-26-2008, 08:31 PM
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LordIllidan LordIllidan is offline
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LordIllidan has turned into a Bat and is flying aroundLordIllidan has turned into a Bat and is flying aroundLordIllidan has turned into a Bat and is flying aroundLordIllidan has turned into a Bat and is flying around
Originally Posted by xoop View Post
Has it ever occurred to you that... PIXELS are going away--not real life.
Yes. So?
You have real life friends and family--not to mention real life money. Real life furniture.
Yes. So?
You pause your life to play VMK (well some do).
And you're pausing your life to argue with us when we're not hindering your life in any way.

Did this ever occur to you?
Yes. So?
Real life is staring us in the face but our faces were staring into a virtual life of virtual friends and family.
And quite a few ofus were able to balance both.

Go read Gamer Theory by McKenzie Wark. These "pixels" you speak of have much more meaning than you act like they do.

Friends who you only knew the outside of.
I'm sorry, but I really find no use in knowing my friend's blood pressure, prefered brand of battery, etc. etc.

I don't have to know everything about a friend to like them.
All virtual.
Yes. So?

Sure, there's a person on the other side of that pixelated character you call friend, but you don't know it as well as you know your real-life friends.
Not true. There are many online friends that are closer to me than some of my real friends, and vice versa. Just because they're on the other side of the screen doesn't necessarily mean they're instantly less important.

Maybe...VMK closed for the good of us. All of us. Whether you like it or not, you may see your life changing before your eyes. It's not a pixelated life. It's real. Think about it.
*Coughcough* I haven't been on VMK since December, thank you very much. So don't try to pull the "Face real life" stuff on me. Real life is the reason I've been away.

Originally Posted by AstroAcer View Post
Honestly, I would think that saving VMK would be harder. All of the examples that you and others had mentioned were fights for REAL THINGS. VMK was virtual, and therefore I'd say that it'd be way harder to save. Especially since you're fighting against Disney.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that friendships and communities were only myths.

Also, I didn't mean that they all used violence to reach their goals. Some of them faced violence, as Martin Luther King Jr. did. Many people (including Martin Luther King Jr.) were hurt and killed during that ordeal; how can you say that there was no bloodshed?
The way you were talking, you sounded like those cases of history worked because of the bloodshed.

Regardless, I hate having to pull the history card. Too expected, and doesn't have the same effect it used to. Let's move along.

...would leave a great memory in the minds of whoever fought to keep it open?
Yep. So then, years later, they can go "Hey, if we made it so far back then (Regardless of if we won or not,) Why can't we go farther this time?"

What is quite a few people compared to the masses that play their games?
Considering Disney is a corporation that has to look out for the best interests of the shareholders, if the damage we do is higher than what it costs to just run VMK...

Again, though, I personally do not like boycotting.

Are you serious? You think that kids would be more passionate about saving VMK then something such as supporting finding the cure for a life-threatening illness? If they went past their selfishness, they'd understand which is more important.
The thing is, how much can the average person do for the latter? Donate money, and maybe give some encouraging words for those who are affected by the illness.

What can they do to save VMK? Alot.

If everyone only cared about the "Most important" problem, The rest would never get fixed.

Nobody. And while there might be a chance, it would be a very, very, very small one.
No smaller than it was before.

I will walk heavy, and I will walk strange.