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Old 05-04-2008, 12:15 PM
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Gorams Gorams is offline
Where Dreams Come True :)
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Disney world!
Posts: 1,262
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Gorams is as Frosty as a Snowman
Thank you both

If anyone wants to be in the story, I can try to fit two more people in! (CuteTabitha I'll use your NPC idea )

And lost, If you could quote the places where it is hard to see who is talking, and somehow fix it and bold, I'll make changes right away


Chapter 3

Yavn grinned wickedly as he pressed down on the 'Delete' button. Hurricane gulped. How did he get himself into this mess? How did yavn turn evil? And how did yeti get a new black chocolate cell phone?? Just as yavn pressed the button, a volley of cannonballs flew through the air. "It's captain black sparrow!" someone yelled. "It's davy jones!" a very confused person yelled, "No! Yer all wrong! It's the pizza guy!" Yeti yelled at the top of his lungs. "Arrr, yer all wrong! Ye blumberin scurvy dogs! It's me, captain blackheart!" The captain exclaimed. Hurricane yelled to him "Why is there a head on the bow of your ship captain?" Before the captain could speak, the head yelled out. "Hello HOST_Hurricane! Have you seen the new updates in the newsletter? Bummed about missing an item? Check back for new items and great deals!" "Oh boy..." They all mumbled. Ned must have been a little delirious after all action "Aye, dont worry mateys, he's just sea-sick" the captain explained. A horrible thought just came to Hurricane "Wait! Where's yavn?" Before anyone could speak, gaitor waitor, esmeralda, and.. guest53234...? were thrown off the edge. No one could see who pushed them. A feeling of pandimonium took place on the boat. Everyone was trying to get away from the shadowed person who was pushing everyone off. Captain Blackheart tried throwing his parrot at it. Ned tried throwing one of his 'cheap' signs at it. (Which is pretty hard, considering he's a head) Just as captain Blackheart had the shadowed figure near the edge, hundreds of other people who's faces were shadowed swarmed onto the boat. Hurricane panicked. He tried to flee to the captains quarters. He was going to make it! Yes! He was so close. Just as he opened the door, his whole world went black.

To Be Continued...

Last edited by Gorams; 05-05-2008 at 07:48 PM..