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Old 09-16-2008, 07:02 AM
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TooHip TooHip is offline
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Your favorite guest room

I'm going to have to fix my other computer so I can post a picture, but my favorite guest room was "Pirate Haunted Mansion", a Haunted Mansion room decorated with lots of pirate quest items, Pirate Map Tables and Red Penny Presses. It looked like a great meeting room with one large table in the center surrounded by Red Pirate Throne Chairs and Red Pirate Treasure chests. The head of the table had a Captains Quarters Couch.

I spent many hours with friends in the room and we always went there when someone was down on their luck so we could kick the penny press nearest the door. We always got a few laughs from that.

So, what was your favorite guest room? If you have pictures I'd love to see them.
-Too hip. Gotta go!