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bohemiaLOVE 08-08-2006 10:53 AM

I'll think about buying a mousepad, but my mom is so weirded out about this internet stuff, she freaks out every time she clicks a button.

No, just kidding.

She gets scared when buying things over the internet..

StitchMad 08-08-2006 11:20 AM

I was actually thinking about SillyPrincess's thread, disussing this quite a while back, yesterday.
Very nice for it to come out :)
I'll buy something, no idea what though ;)

PirateTod 08-08-2006 12:00 PM

i am really concidering the messenger bag >_<

Noelle 08-08-2006 12:06 PM

Some of the items may seem a little high but as Nick said, "Go have a look, all money earned goes towards the costs of running VMKForums."

Alienboy 08-08-2006 12:12 PM

sweet stuff...now the question is what to buy!? Its hard to choose

Devitra 08-08-2006 12:25 PM

that really cool.. hmm.. what to fo with my allowance money? LOL
maybe the messsenger bg or the tracksuit for my gym class this year.... now there is an idea :D
but for the "VMKF aseball Jersey"... isn't there supposed t be a "B"?? @_@

ACEROLLER 08-08-2006 12:43 PM

Wow these are amazing i might buy one to show my VMKF Spirit. Very good work whoever worked on them.

Waterelement 08-08-2006 12:47 PM

Water's wish list:

Golf Shirt
Teddy Bear

Woot Woot!

LOL, Great Idea.

I bet my parents wont let me get them, considering they just got me paint shop pro X


rockclimbing 08-08-2006 12:49 PM

So much things i pretty much have a hard time choosing even though my parents might neva buy them heh.

Wouldn't the 100 magnet pack be heavy? lol

SuperInfernoBoy 08-08-2006 12:56 PM

Looks great! Cool stuff! Will definitely buy something to support VMKF!



Adventurebry 08-08-2006 01:09 PM

I must get the clock, the bear, Framed Tile, Mousepad, Throw Pillow, Mug, Messenger Bag, Mini Button, Magnet, Rectangle Magnet, and the white

rofl. Sadly, I can't even afford the magnent =(. lol, well I can, but my dad only likes to buy stuff online for him..

AwesomeTom 08-08-2006 01:26 PM

Ok I am so getting so much stuff. My family said though only for special holidays and my birthday. Birthday is next year, arg.. but I am going to buy a throw pillow in about a month ;)

Exoxus 08-08-2006 01:40 PM

Thats cool Nick! I'll be getting a hat. ;)

FantasyBlueBoy 08-08-2006 01:44 PM

Yay! Finally.. I already shipped a mousepad, a clock and a T-shirt : D

AwesomeTom 08-08-2006 01:49 PM

Wow fantasy, want to pick me up something? (LOL) Just kidding. I need to get on my parents good side, and maybe they will let me buy something.

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