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vmknumber1fan 07-19-2007 12:03 PM

i love vmk i want all of this stuff i like the book bag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):wave2::wave2::pirate::pirate: :D

Kitri 08-10-2007 02:03 PM

Ohh....Very pretty. I'm going to see if I can order that back back for school this year!

KMSakura 09-27-2007 08:40 PM

I'm a sucker for that mousepad and journal :D

RedRockingMint 10-18-2007 11:20 AM

Man, I wish you could lower the price on the Doggie Shirt and make some Doggie Hoodies. My little Abby would LOVE to wear it!

MsDizzy 10-30-2007 12:14 AM

you're kiddinggg!
Oh i totally want my dog rocking some VMK murchandise, yes sir.

katiecub 11-12-2007 08:38 PM

cool stuff you have on there. i like it! good luck with the sales.

la4gator 05-27-2008 10:06 PM

i like the dog shirt lol

Destination 05-27-2008 10:34 PM

Whoah, I like that golf shirt. I think I might ask my parents if I can buy it. ;)

.:Blue:. 02-11-2009 12:49 PM

--looks at hoodie-- Must...have...hoodie! Hoodie...must...HAVE!!

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