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-   -   If VMK ever were to open again, would your attitude change? (https://www.vmkforums.com/forums/showthread.php?t=153944)

GoodPolarGirl 01-03-2009 04:01 AM

If VMK ever were to open again, would your attitude change?
This thread of IF VMK were to open again is not to express my opinion of wether it will open again or not. Also, please do not ask me if I think it will be. I would like to keep my opinion on that subject neutral.

Pretend that VMK was opening again and it was going to stay open for a while. Would you make any changes to your online experience? Express your thoughts.

If VMK were to open again, I think I would probably start making more of my online gaming experience. I got way to caught up in making money and trading that I didn't spend enough time with my friends. I also probably would have been more thankful for the prices in the stores and such. I probably also would spend less time complaining. I most definitely would change my attitude about VMK if it would open again.

EtnaGreen 01-03-2009 07:08 PM

Yep, I would. Spent most of my time on vmk complaining about something, if vmk would reopen I would complain alot less. I would trade alot less, I spent some much time trading I barely spent time with my friends. When I was a newer member I noticed when people became 'rich' they changed, they were meaner and only cared about their things. I promised myself I would never do that, and towards the end I saw myself acting like that. I would spend more time enjoying vmk instead of trading.

flaxygirl 01-03-2009 07:47 PM

I wouldn't complain!
I'd spend time with old friends (I haven't talked to them :( because they don't visit here much...but if vmk were to open again I'm sure they would come back!). I'd still have fun trading! And I'd still do the same things, but I wouldn't take it all for granted. I'd realize it could all go away :(

SoccerRyan 01-03-2009 11:49 PM

I would definitely cherish every moment I had with the game. I would care less about completing a pin set or trading for a Stitch Hat. I would spend less time complaining about every flaw that I could find in the game and spend more time taking in the magic of each room; of each masterpiece that existed in the work of art that was VMK. I would stop fretting about my credit count and my inventory and start caring about the most important part of VMK: the wonderful people who make it up. I would help that guest who couldn't find Shrunken Ned's, I would report that player who was breaking the rules, I would help make VMK a better place and at the same time enhancing my own experience with the magical game.

You really don't know what you got until it's gone.

spacerightsummer 01-04-2009 09:30 AM

You all have my thoughts in a nut shell. Less taking for granted and more cherishing friends and the game in general.

Silverpsycho 01-25-2009 09:41 PM

I guess I would focus less on trading but I already stopped trading in the game towards the end. Overall the experience went way downhill because those who often went to the parks and had ways of getting lots of rare just spoiled it for the rest of the players by hoarding items. So if it were to reopen, I'd be psyched because everyone would be starting off as newbies again with a fresh start. It would eventually get ugly again but I would just focus on hanging out with my friends and playing games. I would be the same player I always was, just stay more clear of the trading rooms.

GoodPolarGirl 03-08-2009 02:30 PM


I'd be interested in more opinions.

MLKnCookies 03-08-2009 04:23 PM

I would spend more time with friends and not be concerned with getting new items. I would also take the time to help new players out. :)

bluedudeman 03-08-2009 06:16 PM

I don't think I would change my attitude because my attitude was never bad.

Sometimes I got bored and that's the reason I quit, of course I'd play it again if it opened but I'm sure I'd get bored of it again and leave, come back, leave.

I wouldn't change my attitude in-game. I never reallllly tried to get billions of credits, or the new magic pin in the stores. I spent most of my time talking to people, walking around. I rarely complained, there was no use and I didn't really see anything bad in VMK. So to answer the question, if VMK opened again, I would do what I normally did. Make a friendly guest room, sit in it, and talk with friends.

Vivi 03-08-2009 07:35 PM

I would care about my image a lot less. In the beginning when I first started VMK, I told myself, 'I won't get conceited when I got rich'.
Hilarious now, because I only cared about my image. My life in VMK reminded me a lot like Tally's life as a Pretty. If you haven't read the books, you won't get my reference. Sadly, I would be a lot less closer to my old friends and a lot closer to my VMKF friends. I would still walk around carrying that old guitar that I can't play in real and type my heart out. I would talk to my friends more and cherish each moment, thinking in my head that, what if it closes tomorrow? Will you be okay with what you did? Because you can hit the 'reset' button or the 'rewind' button.

Kitri 03-08-2009 11:01 PM

Honestly, I think I would play the game the exact same way. I always looked forward to trading when I logged on, and that was my favorite part of the game. I don't think I would stop trading. I think I would spend 60% of the time trade and 40% of the time goofing off with friends.

CrazyKeeperLovedVMK 03-08-2009 11:03 PM

If VMK opened again, I would totally like see my old friends like Akovia, KingdomsKeeper, and Nick. I would also do a lot more shopping than before because I had so much rare stuff and I couldn't care less if I was broke after I went shopping that day.

sarastrawbella1 03-31-2009 03:36 AM

If VMK were to ever open again, I think I would value my time more, and enjoy every second of being on there. I would still be kind to everyone, like I was before :)

improvist_evan 04-11-2009 08:46 AM

When I started in VMK as a noob, I went to other more established people's rooms and got a little jealous, and thought I'd never be able to get all that cool stuff, but from the start really enjoyed playing the Pirates games and hanging out in other peoples' rooms. Then I started building Mordigant's World and in the space of about six months, became one of the type of players I originally envied. But during construction, I still made sure that I had time to hang out with others. However, during those months I played even more Pirates than usual, and occasionally the other minigames, since I needed to raise credits for the very expensive project. My attitude towards VMK was thus:

Originally: Hanging out with friends 50%
Playing games 30%
Buying stuff and trading 20%

During MW Construction:
Hanging out with friends 20%
Playing games 30%
Buying stuff and trading 20%
Designing my rooms 30%

So I still tried to spend time with my VMK friends, even though I was extremely busy with MW. The games I played in this time period were with a focus to WIN because I admittedly was a little greedy- I wanted the VMK world to see my rooms I worked so hard on! But I made sure not to be rude or arrogant- I spent a lot of time finding Guests who had just joined and giving them tours of the Kingdom, at the end of which I even gave them some cheap extra furniture from MW inventory surplus.

If VMK came back, I would try to rebuild MW, but continue to be the nice guy that helped Guests learn their way around.

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